Innovation Saskatchewan is responsible for implementing the province’s innovation priorities and helping grow Saskatchewan’s tech sector. Effective April 2022, this includes operation of the Innovation Place technology parks in Saskatoon and Regina.

Curious about the tenants at Innovation Place?
Check out our Meet the Tenants series to learn more about them and what they do.

Meet the Tenants

Health Quality Council

Innovation Place tenant since

The Atrium

Innovation Place, Saskatoon

Tell us about Health Quality Council!

The Saskatchewan Health Quality Council (HQC) is an independent organization, operating at arms-length from the Government of Saskatchewan. Since 2002, we have been accelerating improvement in health care across the province through training and education (e.g., building improvement capability and spreading innovation throughout the province), improvement initiatives and research. We partner with and support health organizations, government, community organizations and communities across the province to drive progress toward better health and better care for all.

What is HQC's proudest achievement?

HQC has held a pivotal role in establishing a focus on quality health care in Saskatchewan. Over the past two decades, HQC has supported the adoption of continuous quality improvement as a cornerstone of the Saskatchewan health system.

How has HQC adapted during the pandemic?

Aside from working from home, we have adapted how we work together and using technology to facilitate that.

What’s one thing HQC cannot function without?

An improvement mindset!

Why do you love working in Saskatchewan?

We love working in Saskatchewan as the work we do helps to ultimately improve the health and health care of everyone in Saskatchewan.

What does the future of Saskatchewan tech look like to you?

Growth! We are excited to see the advancements of the tech sector and the improvements they bring to the quality of life of Saskatchewan residents.

How does Innovation Place help you thrive in Saskatchewan’s tech sector? (We had to ask!)

Since we wouldn’t call ourselves a part of the tech sector, Innovation Place helps keep us connected to the many tenants that are a part of Innovation Place and the tech sector.

What’s the #1 piece of advice you give to people?

Continuous improvement or quality improvement can be and is applied across every industry. Our advice: Continuous improvement is never done — it’s an ongoing process of incremental improvement that, over time, can yield great rewards, provide new opportunities and engage partners and staff in new and exciting ways. Just don’t forget to measure along the way!

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- 2021